Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The military took a hobby and made it "bad"...

If you're a guy of a certain age then you're familiar with remote control aircraft.  For hobbyist they've gotten bigger, certainly more advanced but thats to be expected with the march of time.

What is unexpected is that any remote control airplane, helicopter or even tank (yeah there are some fantastic remote control armored vehicles...some quite large) that you mount a Go-Pro camera on suddenly becomes a drone!

But this is the part that has me concerned...
Obama said drones have the potential to empower people in ways that were unimaginable a decade ago, but the federal government is trying to catch up with the technology’s progression in order to enact laws that ensure safety and privacy. He said a goal in his final years as president "is seeing if we can start providing some sort of framework that ensures that we get the good and minimize the bad.”
Just wow.

A worldwide hobby is going to probably bite the dust because it was militarized and then regulated out of existence.

I believe in a strong defense but joys are being crushed in order to keep nuts, perverts and fools from abusing something that has brought joy to many.

And that sucks.

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