Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why are we tip toeing into the Ukraine conflict?

via Defense News.
WASHINGTON — American soldiers will deploy to Ukraine this spring to begin training four companies of the Ukrainian National Guard, the head of US Army Europe Lt. Gen Ben Hodges said during his first visit to Kiev on Wednesday.
The number of troops heading to the Yavoriv Training Area near the city of L'viv — which is about 40 miles from the Polish border — is still being determined, however.
The American training effort comes as part of a US State Department initiative "to assist Ukraine in strengthening its law enforcement capabilities, conduct internal defense, and maintain rule of law" Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col. Vanessa Hillman told Defense News.
This is another example of why I so despise the current crop of military leaders.  They've gobbed onto this training concept with both hands and refuse to let it matter how many times we see it Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali...where we've tried to teach people to fight the way we do they always fail in combat.

Not only does the failure of the country's forces that are being trained tarnish us, but it also draws us into the conflict which means that we have what we're seeing now...a much less stable world.

This also explains why I haven't heard from a certain person that will go unnamed.  I'm sure he's up to his elbows in this mess.  I'll try and get you all a behind the scenes look at this but confidence is not high.  I'm sure this stupidity is cloaked behind a "need to know" wall. 

SIDENOTE:  This will probably be the nail in the coffin for any type of peaceful outcome.  How can I, a blogger see how inflammatory this move can be but the people in the State Dept and Pentagon be so blind.  One last thing.  The reason why this conflict is getting so much airtime on my pages is because I see this as being the most consequential war happening at this time.  The fight against ISIS?  People will die but its essentially craziness in a handbag...deploy our force of B-52's against those primitives in round the clock unrestricted bombing and they'll get back in their hole.  We don't have that option in Ukraine which makes it much more dangerous.

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