Sunday, January 11, 2015

Buy while you can. Restrictions are coming...

This post is for the gun guys in my audience.

Buy those unique items while you can.  Restrictions are coming...I can smell it.  With the terrorist attack in France, the rampaging idiots in Nigeria and a general realization by the populace that the world is indeed a dangerous place you can expect that short of outright bans (the Republicans wouldn't dare) there will be new documentation requirements.

And we only have ourselves to blame for it.

Remember those Tannerite videos I've complained about?  Now imagine Diane Fienstien getting up on the floor of the Senate showing one of those vids that illustrate how you can use this binary explosive to blow up a truck or barn.

Even the most pro gun Republican couldn't say no to the requirement to document who buys it.  Firearms?  Expect a push to pass a mandatory one week (or longer) waiting period to buy a gun while an extensive background check can be conducted (they'll use the excuse that the wait could disrupt planned terrorist attacks).

That's what I expect from this most recent incident in France.  If terrorist cells have been activated and if they strike then you can expect the left to go ape, soccer moms to be wetting their capri pants and the general public demanding something be done.

And gun guys gone wild gave them the evidence they need by posting videos of foolishness.

Sometimes we're our own worst enemy.

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